Welcome to the new year!

2023-2024 is going to be a great year!

Here is a peek at your new board:

Monica Barrett


Colorado born and raised-first generation American

Kiddos: Jack 4th Ry 1st Finn PreK (next year they'll all be at DCE!)

Job: Slinging bling at Right Time Watches (www.RightTime.com shameless plug)

Favorite Elementary school memory: tie between making friendship bracelets at recess and selling them on the playground AND working at the post office in our school

Fun Fact: I'm fluent in Russian since my fam is from Ukraine (the rest of my fam left and live with my parents now)

Fave food: Dark chocolate. Specifically Hu and Bibamba. If you haven't tried them... you must!

Reason I joined the PTCO: I really love Dry Creek...the size, the teachers, the front office. I want to make sure that our kiddos' experience here is as good as we can possibly make it. I am really thankful for teachers (a couple of semesters as a homeschool teacher during covid solidified that respect) and want to make sure they have everything they need to set our kiddos up for success!

The PTCO events I'm looking forward to most: Family Dance (new theme this year!) And Taste of Dry Creek (After seeing all of the amazing cultural cuisine everyone had in their lunches at a kindy field trip, I wanted to do it last year, but it didn't work out. We'll make it happen this year!)

Katie Grubb

Kiddos: Henry in 1st grade and Baby Charlie
Job: High school teacher, although I'm taking this year off to take care of the baby
Favorite elementary school memory: sock hop or planting a time capsule under the addition to the school
Fun fact about you: I know every word to every Backstreet Boys song
Favorite food: Tacos
Why you are on PTCO: I love the Dry Creek community and want to help foster it
Event you are most excited about this year: Trunk or Treat, Taste of Dry Creek, or Family Dance

Mary Soldwisch

Hometown: Born in Houston but lived in South Denver since age 5
Grade of Kiddos: 3rd Grade, Pre-K, and Baby Shark (he is 1)
Job: Governance Risk and Compliance - Information Security
Favorite Memory from Elementary School: The school Jump-a-Thon was awesome- everyone got to jump rope to raise money for the school and keep our hearts healthy.
Fun Fact: When you teach your kid to spit out their toothpaste, don't praise them too much or they will continue to spit in your face over and over again with a giant grin on their face.
Favorite Food: Kraft Mac & Cheese - from the blue box.
I joined the PTCO to help make Dry Creek Elementary the best school it can be and ensure our teachers and students have everything they need to have a great year of learning. We just transferred into the district and we want to make fabulous new friends and memories that will last a lifetime.
This year I am most excited about the Taste of Dry Creek where we will get to taste wonderful new foods and meet interesting new people

Rae Salcedo

Hometown/Country: Philippines
Grade of the Kiddo: 1st grade
Job: Business owner
Fun fact about you: I like to sing and dance
Favorite food: Pad Thai, and any other asian food
Why you are on PTCO: to help out with the school to have a positive experience for all of our kids.
Event you are most excited for this year: Fun Run and Taste of Dry Creek but I can't wait for every event.

Jen Wenger
DNO Coordinator

Hometown:Annville, PA
Kids: Jazlyn - 1st grade
Jetson - Pre-K
(Jiana - 21 months)
Job: Stay-At-Home Mom
Your favorite elementary school memory: Singing in chorus and playing instruments in band
Fun fact about you: Our 4th kiddo is due 10/18!
Favorite food: Tie between pizza & peanut butter
Why you are on PTCO: I want to help make school a positive experience for our kids!
Event you are most excited for this year: Can't pick just one!