Great job Explorers!

You’ve been reading all your emails and coming to all the PTCO meetings (Wait, you’ve been doing that, right???) so by now you already know that the school relies 100% on donations to fund our teacher assistants and provide grants to our Creeks to fill in the gaps where the district budget falls short. This has been a tough year for almost everything, fundraising included, but you still raised $15,007 and we couldn’t be more proud of you!

We know everyone missed our in person fun run but you did a great job with our first, and hopefully last, Virtual Fit-a-thon. So give yourselves a socially distanced pat on the back and we hope to see you in-person next year at the starting line of our fun run course!

Don’t forget you can still help us raise funds throughout the year doing the things you’re already doing!

  • Amazon Smiles

  • King Soopers Community Rewards

  • Safeway Shopper Cards

  • BoxTops for Education

  • Dining Nights Out

Your Dry Creek PTCO